Monday, March 14, 2011

Monday Morning Motivation (3/14/11)

An excellent Monday Morning to you and those that are closest to you...

This Monday Morning I woke up thinking about one of the many early accomplishments in life: tying my shoes. This is an universal accomplishment, something that we all can share the joy of the first time we tied our shoes on our own. It felt so good, didn't it?

Some of us may not remember the exact day it happened. Many of us relive this accomplishment through our children, our nephews and nieces, etc. The accomplishment seems small, routine to us now. But we can't allow it to be. The moment we've learned to tie our shoes, in our young minds, anything was possible. And although those strings we become lose and we'd have to tie our shoes again, we knew we could do it again. And some of us even utilized the double knot when our laces gave us too much trouble.

These thoughts brought me to momentum, and how the smallest things to our world, can add to that momentum. We mustn't forget to believe in ourselves, our capabilities. Realistically, we can still do anything we put our mind to, if we keep our accomplishments important to our spirits. Remove the routine from you accomplishments, and build upon it. We will tie our shoes, our ties, our scarves, etc. and the child within us will smile that beautiful energetic smile of hope for the future.

Have an excellent Monday Morning, and you will have an EXCELLENT WEEK!

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